Time Management Tips for Project Managers

project management
project management


Alex Getelman is the founder of Milestone Building Ventures, a project management and consulting firm for notable real estate and construction companies in and around New York City. As a project manager and consultant, Alex Getelman needs to manage his time effectively. These useful tips will show you how to do the same.

1. Learn about the tools and software that can make you more effective in your role. The right tools can make you more efficient and allow you to use valuable time elsewhere.

2. Have a defined plan in place, with overall goals and milestones included. This will save time that would have been needed for explanations of project goals further down the line.

3. Communicate with your project personnel regularly. Get to know what drives them and what they bring to the table. This will help in assigning tasks.

4. Be wary of holding regular meetings. Any meetings you hold should have defined agendas.

5. Create a to-do list every day that covers all of the tasks you personally need to complete. A list will help you stay on track with the project and highlight the tasks that need to be given priority.

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